Tom hardy nootka sound
Tom hardy nootka sound

tom hardy nootka sound

Hardy, though, does the lion’s share of keeping the audience intrigued, with Delaney coming across as a kind of Regency-era Jason Bourne, equipped with improbable super-strength, maniacal cunning, and a general disdain for the mores even of impolite society. Taboo is infinitely gruesomer than most of the 19th-century dramas that arrive by way of the BBC, but it’s respectably ambitious, and studded with luminaries from both sides of the Atlantic.

tom hardy nootka sound tom hardy nootka sound

And, this being a costume drama, he does it all while stalking through cobbled streets in a beaver-fur top hat. In one scene, he rips out the jugular of an enemy with his teeth. So John Delaney, the focal character in FX’s new drama Taboo, feels a bit like the apotheosis of Hardyian roles: He’s the distillation of machismo, a terrifying hulk of a man who returns to London seemingly from death, intent on salvaging his father’s squandered shipping business. Highlights of his performances from the last ten years include an infamously violent felon with an unexpected passion for drawing in Bronson, a brutal mixed-martial arts fighter estranged from his abusive father in Warrior, and a terrifying supervillain devoted to a small child in The Dark Knight Rises. Nobody excels at playing ferocious psychopaths with a sensitive side quite like Tom Hardy.

Tom hardy nootka sound